10 Inbound Discoveries That Will Disrupt Marketing Forever [NEW REPORT]
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Check out the most interesting findings from the 2013 State of Inbound Marketing Report.
HubSpot found that inbound marketing is increasingly popular. Their findings include:
1) Inbound marketing is being taken seriously by the industry, and it’s gaining traction.
2) Inbound delivers on ROI promises, providing more and cheaper leads.
3) While inbound is on the rise, traditional marketing is fading.
4) There’s opportunity to better define, measure, and track marketing activities.
5) Establishing an agreement with Sales is as important — possibly more so — as simply measuring the effectiveness of inbound.
6) Content is a critical, but not considered a standalone, inbound marketing component.
7) Inbound has shifted where marketers spend resources, and enables them to work smarter.
8) It’s a great time to be a customer.
9) It’s also a great time to be an inbound marketer — if you are up for the challenge.
10) Overall, inbound marketing works when it is integrated with your strategy, not as a side project.
Via @davidweinhaus
See on blog.hubspot.com