Monthly Archives: August 2012

3 Little-Known Social Media Misconceptions that Can Destroy Your Marketing Strategy

See on Scoop.itEnterprise Social Media

“Success in social media has more to do with the underlying principles, and less with the visible tools or tactics used.So it’s easy to get the wrong idea or impression being on the outside, looking in.”


I like Misconception #3: Social Media Doesn’t Convert Directly. And it takes time. And it’s not advertising.


Good article.


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Social Media Customer Service is a Failure – Frank Eliason, Citibank

See on Scoop.itEnterprise Social Media

“Frank Eliason made his bones as a VIP while leading the social media charge at Comcast. “


Eliason became famous by putting a human face on Comcast, solving customers’ problems via Twitter.


He’s got a lot of good insights in this article, especially regarding companies’ orientations toward social media: “[they] go in from one of three perspectives. They either go in from a marketing perspective, a communications perspective, or a customer service perspective. “


We think that’s just sad. Social media can provide benefits across all aspects of a company. That’s why we wrote the Be a Person book series htp:// 



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