Monthly Archives: April 2013

People Still Buy People First – Don’t They?

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There is a saying which has been around for as long as I can remember – and that is a pretty long time – “People buy people first”

What that essentially means of course is before buyers thought about your solution, they needed to be sold on you personally.

So has that all changed now?

Well, yes and no.


Mike Ellsworth‘s insight:

So here’s another whiff of the "no need for sales people in the new world" vibe. The answer in this article is, yes, people buy people, but first they figure out everything they can about what you’re selling and only start to really value you later on in the sale.


What do you think? Have you found this to be true? Comment below.

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How social sellers make it to the top: Insights from LinkedIn Sales Connect

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Earlier this month, we at Hearsay Social had the opportunity to be a part of LinkedIn Sales Solutions’ inaugural summit, hosted by Mike Derezin (Global Head of Sales, Sales Solutions, LinkedIn) at

Mike Ellsworth‘s insight:

A good summary of information from LinkedIn Sales Solutions’ inaugural summit. Includes some research from our buddy Jill Konrath.

Via @AndrewVest

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Social Selling: Sales Relevance in a Social World!

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Social Selling Skills and Tools are necessary for you to effectively compete in todays selling world. Adapt your selling and learn the social selling tools.

Mike Ellsworth‘s insight:

There’s some good advice in this article, including "My message to all sales professionals, Sales VP and sales organizations is ADAPT to Social Selling skills. These social tools are great, you can adapt. The buyer is much better prepared and educated by the time they call or contact you. Learn these tools to level the playing field between you and the buyer throughout the sales process."


But I don’t know who’s telling the author that sales people are dead. Don’t think so, not matter what happens with social selling . . .


Via @salesresult

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Is Your Sales Team Enabled for LinkedIn? | Business 2 Community

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Is social selling in need of sales enablement? That’s the question posed by sales and marketing influencer Ardath Albee in a recent post for her

Mike Ellsworth‘s insight:

This article leans heavily on one of my favorite recent ebooks: Jill Konrath’s Cracking the LinkedIn Sales Code. You should definitely get this free ebook which is chock full of research and advice.


Via @MichaelCromwell

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How IBM uses social media to sell, sell, sell

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Social media isn’t just about self-expression. It’s about selling – both your…

Mike Ellsworth‘s insight:

I love this quote from the article:


“You could say that IBM’s social media activity dates back to the 1970s when our mainframe programmers started online discussion forums on the System 370 consoles,”

Yup. Remember when . . .

Via @LB_Butler

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Moving Beyond Casual in Your LinkedIn Relationship

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See the latest sales blog posts featuring thoughts and best practices for sales leaders.

Mike Ellsworth‘s insight:

Although the approach of this article is a bit old-school, it does suggest several areas where using LinkedIn for sales can be helpful:


1. Prospecting 

2. Call Planning 

3. Facilitating Access 

4. Strategic Account management 


Why do I call it old-school? Check out our free sample chapter to find out: The Infinite Pipeline: How to Master Social Media for B2B Sales Success – Sales Person Edition


Via @SalesReadiness

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Social Selling: Using Social Media For Better B2B Networking

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Social media is the new phone and B2B sales teams can help themselves by learning how to use it to network, discover leads and move prospects down the funnel.

Mike Ellsworth‘s insight:

Quick and to the point, this article lays out several areas to focus on to start using social selling:


Creating a Sense of AttachmentCreating TOMPCreating a Social Sales Force

Via Osmosis Leon

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Passion Is Key To Finding Your Buyer Personas and The Secret To Selling Online

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This is the first part in a three-part series on how to build your online presence for real social selling, inspired by research from Jon Ferrara, founder and CEO of social CRM developer Nimble.

Mike Ellsworth‘s insight:

Personas are little shorthand descriptions of a typical audience member. This article helps you envision the personas whom you want to engage via social media.


Via @IFrydman

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