Monthly Archives: January 2014

9 Ways Social Media Marketing Will Change in 2014

See on Scoop.itSocial Selling for B2B

We asked nine successful entrepreneurs how they are planning on altering their social media marketing strategies in the next six months.

Mike Ellsworth‘s insight:

OK, I must say it’s hard to take seriously a list that has as its second item "Social won’t be use for sales." Leaving aside the typo, this is a very poor prediction. Social sales is becoming mainstream and I see no reason why that trend won’t continue. The prediction, however, outlines a few misconceptions about social. No, it’s not about likes or engagement or any of that squishy stuff. It’s about delivering results, and the social sales results will keep on rocking in 2014, as savvy sales people realize that social selling is nothing more than the relationship sell on steroids.


Just ask Bryan Kramer: 


Here’s the full list:


1. Graphic software will rise.

2. Social won’t be use for sales.

3. Automation will explode

4. LinkedIn will become the most important publisher

5. Content will be bigger and better.

6. Social will need to stand out.

7. Social media campaigns will have to be paid.

8. Interactive content will trump static content.

9. Google+ will merge into the social scene.

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Have You Tried The New LinkedIn Showcase Page?

See on Scoop.itEnterprise Social Media

LinkedIn has created Showcase Pages to allow companies to focus their brand messages for particular content to specific audiences. Set one up now!

Mike Ellsworth‘s insight:

Interesting addition to company pages: "Showcase Pages are essentially sub-pages of a business’s Company Page, giving a business the ability to create specific pages for new products, services, divisions, or projects."


Via @BradFriedman @IASocialMedia @Michael Q Todd

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Technology and $300 dollar Coronas help transform the Retail Customer Experience at Tory Burch

See on Scoop.itEnterprise Social Media

Mike Ellsworth‘s insight:

This is a long personal case study, but very worth it if you want to know how to combine online and offline customer service to produce easy sales. The takeaways:


It takes PeopleGet the right people onboardTechnology that enablesLittle Something ExtraMeasure, measure, and loop
Via @9INCHmarketing

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How to Get Others to Do Your Social Media Marketing for Free

See on Scoop.itEnterprise Social Media

Virality involves motivating people to share your content on their social networks. Here are 5 tips to get others to do your social media marketing for free

Mike Ellsworth‘s insight:

It’s one of the best things that can happen to a social media post: having someone else rebroadcast it to their audience. Here are the tips from this article:


1. Tagging on Twitter

2. Offering cross-promotional opportunities

3. Reaching out to journalists and bloggers

4. Including share buttons

5. Nurturing power users


Via @maxOz

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How to Increase Blog Traffic: Essential Blog Tips You Cannot Ignore!

See on Scoop.itEnterprise Social Media

Here are some very practical tips on how to increase blog traffic. Follow the guidelines and you’ll get more traffic to your blog.

Mike Ellsworth‘s insight:

Some of these tips are obvious. Others not so much:


1.  Increase your Email Subscribers

2. Optimize Your New Content

3. Create Content that Stands Out

4.  Promote Your Content

5. Optimize Your Old Content

6. Write Popular Content


Via @LoriMoreno 

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6 Simple Photo Tools for Creating Social Media Visuals

See on Scoop.itEnterprise Social Media

Create graphics, collages, add text, edit pictures and make cover images for your blog or social media profiles without using Photoshop.

Mike Ellsworth‘s insight:

Of the  below, I’ve used #1 and #5, and I have a beta invite from #3. The rest are new to me:


#1: Use PicMonkey’s Online Photo Editor to Take Your Images From Good to Glorious

#2: Express Yourself Through Photos and Creations on LiveLuvCreate

#3: Create Your Own Designs With Canva

#4: Use Image and Photo Editing Software From Paint.NET

#5: Design Unique and Compelling Presentations With PowerPoint

#6: Make Awesome Collages With PicCollage


Via @SocialMktgFella

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4 Online Content Creation Best Practices for Success in 2014

See on Scoop.itEnterprise Social Media

It takes more than just good grammar skills and a flair for words to be successful at content marketing. Use this collection of best practices for writing online content to boost your content creat…

Mike Ellsworth‘s insight:

Some basic points for your content creation efforts:


1. Prioritize quality AND quantity in online content

2. Grab attention with titles — and retain it by using visual breaks

3. SEO success is all in the details

4. Conversion is the ultimate test of content success


Via @james_t_shanks

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