Monthly Archives: March 2014

Human Marketing: Socialization on Demand

See on Scoop.itSocial Selling for B2B

“On demand” is the yin to socializing’s yang. On demand is now, it’s quick, and always available. Socializing takes time. Perhaps it’s time to build some guardrails around how to socialize content quickly to meet demand without sacrificing our high expectations.

Mike Ellsworth‘s insight:

My buddy Bryan Kramer is making a big noise with his H2H (Human to Human) social marketing concept. We both share a believe that you should Be a Person, not a company (


This short article will get you started. Major points:


Stage 1: Investigation

Stage 2: Socialization

Stage 3: Maintenance

Stage 4: Re-socialization

Stage 5: Remembrance

KEY TAKEAWAY: Humans are shaped by social influence. When you know your audience well, you can release information quickly, gather feedback, iterate as necessary, and continue the cycle. Keeping up with our on-demand culture isn’t enough if you’re not delighting them along the way – in real time, over, and over, and over again.

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Why Sales Hates Marketing: 9 Reasons

See on Scoop.itSocial Selling for B2B

Here’s why your marketing team and your sales team can’t get along. Hint: The sales team is probably right.

Mike Ellsworth‘s insight:

The real reasons:


1. Marketing Acts Superior

2. Marketing Doesn’t Believe in Sales

3. Marketing Thinks Selling Is Easy

4. Marketing Avoids Being Measured

5. Marketing Claims to be ‘Driving Sales’

6. Marketing Pretends It’s Strategic

7. Marketing Wastes Money

8. Marketing Pretends It’s Engineering

9. Marketing Argues About Lead Quality

Via @adamkarwoski

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16 Blogging Resources to Improve Your Blog |

See on Scoop.itEnterprise Social Media

Blogging Tools and Apps: Efficiently find and organize new blog ideas, add the perfect images, optimize your content, and share your articles.

Mike Ellsworth‘s insight:

Some good quick tips to help you blog. Main points:


#1: Brainstorm Blogging Ideas

#2: Get Organized to Be Productive

#3: Optimize Your Content

#4: Find or Make Your Own Images (Fast!)

#5: Tell the World


Via @MightyLStartups

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What social media managers and jazz musicians have in common

See on Scoop.itEnterprise Social Media

Jazz musicians are notorious for caring more about the music than the audience. People who run social media accounts can fall into a similar trap.

Mike Ellsworth‘s insight:

An interesting comparison of purist jazz musicians and purist social media practitioners. Plus a bonus, pithy, Charlie Mingus quote!


Via @CGuerrillaMBlog 

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What makes content go viral: The anatomy of a post that got over 500,000 likes

See on Scoop.itEnterprise Social Media

How can I make my content go viral? I sat down with the viral marketing geniuses Marc and Angel to discuss content marketing and other key tips:

Mike Ellsworth‘s insight:

Seeking the source of viralocity is like the historical search for the source of the Nile or the white whale. Here are some ideas to achieve it:


1.) The science of persuasion: Nailing the fear of “missing out”

2.) We only read 20% of web pages – make your content easy to skim read

3.) We all want to learn something and get smarter – it’s science!

4.) A greatly undervalued element: Sharing buttons make content 7 times more likely to spread

5.) Length of content and virality go hand in hand

6.) Consistency and Authority – Marc and Angel have been blogging since 2006


Via @seekristintweet 

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Recycling Facebook Page Content Works – And Here’s Proof

See on Scoop.itEnterprise Social Media

Trying to figure out what to post on Facebook can often feel like a sharp stick in the eye. You have to understand your fans, analyze what they like that aligns with your cause, and publish updates that will engage fans. Whew… Even after sweating blood to get it right, you find that you’re still…

Mike Ellsworth‘s insight:

There are those who will tell you not to cross post from one network to another, and to never repost content. This article begs to differ on many controversial assertions like these. The major points:


Step #1: Download Facebook Insights

Step #2: Select the content type you’d like to repost

Step #3: Locate columns to use

Step #4: Calculate engagement rate

Step #5: Rank content by engagement rate

Step #6: Repost top performing posts

Step #7: Repost at the same time each day


Via @MariSmith 

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5 Social Media Habits of Highly Annoying People

See on Scoop.itEnterprise Social Media

Counterproductive social-media use is like pornography – it’s tough to detail, but you know it when you see it. Here are five things we hope we never see if your social feeds.

Mike Ellsworth‘s insight:

Are you guilty of creating social media porn? Here are five things you may be doing on social media that are annoying the heck out of your followers:


1. Your LinkedIn Profile Reads Like A Marketing Campaign

2. You Treat Your Friends and Family Like They Work For You

3. Your Twitter Feed Is Professionally Boring (And You’re On Brand All The Time)

4. You Don’t Pay Attention

5. You Socialize Like A Robot (or Sound Like Shingy)


Via @mklevorn

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