9 Ways Social Media Marketing Will Change in 2014

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We asked nine successful entrepreneurs how they are planning on altering their social media marketing strategies in the next six months.

Mike Ellsworth‘s insight:

OK, I must say it’s hard to take seriously a list that has as its second item "Social won’t be use for sales." Leaving aside the typo, this is a very poor prediction. Social sales is becoming mainstream and I see no reason why that trend won’t continue. The prediction, however, outlines a few misconceptions about social. No, it’s not about likes or engagement or any of that squishy stuff. It’s about delivering results, and the social sales results will keep on rocking in 2014, as savvy sales people realize that social selling is nothing more than the relationship sell on steroids.


Just ask Bryan Kramer: http://bit.ly/Lm4Bd1 


Here’s the full list:


1. Graphic software will rise.

2. Social won’t be use for sales.

3. Automation will explode

4. LinkedIn will become the most important publisher

5. Content will be bigger and better.

6. Social will need to stand out.

7. Social media campaigns will have to be paid.

8. Interactive content will trump static content.

9. Google+ will merge into the social scene.

See on mashable.com