SMPG Mon, 02 Oct 2017 21:07:57 +0000 en-US hourly 1 78991757 SMPG Enterprise Social Media Framework Mon, 17 Nov 2014 00:17:33 +0000

There’s lots of buzz and lots of confusion around the use of social media in enterprises. Many experts talk in terms of the tools you can use and the techniques you can employ. And much of this advice may be valuable to smaller organizations. However, if you’re a large enterprise with an established culture, and large […]]]>

There’s lots of buzz and lots of confusion around the use of social media in enterprises. Many experts talk in terms of the tools you can use and the techniques you can employ.

And much of this advice may be valuable to smaller organizations.

However, if you’re a large enterprise with an established culture, and large marketing, sales, and customer service organizations, it can be hard to know how to get started.

Edelman Enterprise Social
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Some rights reserved by David Armano

That’s why we’ve created the Enterprise Social Media Framework™.

We understand large companies, and we understand how social media can benefit your organization.

The framework is always improving as more people offer their ideas and insights. But like most frameworks, it is not a blueprint for integrating social media into your enterprise. Rather it encompasses a wealth of information and best practices you can use (with or without our help) to create your social media strategy and develop your plan to transform your organization.

The ESMF has case studies, tips, and best practices for the following enterprise areas:

  • Corporate Strategy
  • Finance
  • IT
  • Administration
  • Marketing
  • Corporate Communications
  • Legal
  • Human Resources
  • Sales/Social Selling
  • Research
  • Product Development
  • Product Management
  • Logistics
  • Production
  • Facilities and Security
  • Resources
  • Governance, Risk and Compliance
  • Segmentation
  • Customer Intelligence/Research
  • Customer Service

Access to the framework is by invitation only. If you’re interested, please contact us.

Make Yours a Social Business Sun, 16 Nov 2014 21:42:29 +0000

Real businesses like yours are leveraging Social Media today to achieve real results. When transforming your business into a social business, your first question should be: “How can social media help me execute my organization’s strategy?” It’s amazing how many businesses don’t ask this simple question. The way social media often comes into a business is via […]]]>

Real businesses like yours are leveraging Social Media today to achieve real results.

When transforming your business into a social business, your first question should be: “How can social media help me execute my organization’s strategy?”

ME MentionmappIt’s amazing how many businesses don’t ask this simple question. The way social media often comes into a business is via the back door — by employees who post or blog about your company. The next most popular way is through your marketing or communications departments. These social-media-savvy professionals may commission the creation of a Facebook page or a Twitter campaign to achieve brand promotion or drive sales to your online commerce site.

And you may think that’s all that social media is good for: promotion, advertising, marketing.

But social media can offer so much more to your business. In fact, there are few areas of your enterprise that can’t be improved in some way by social media.

To really leverage the groundbreaking potential of social media, and achieve real, effective, sustainable Social Media success, you need to develop a enterprise-wide strategy.

We can help you do that.

We don’t want to sell you the tools — the Twitter campaigns, the Facebook fan pages; the LinkedIn presence; the YouTube channel filled with scarcely viewed but expensive videos. At SMPG, our motto is, “No tools before rules!”

We go beyond those obvious quick hits — sales and marketing — and help you achieve social-media-driven results in areas such as product development; social selling; customer service; employee engagement and retention; and health and wellness.

We have hundreds of case studies on companies like yours in our Enterprise Social Media Framework that demonstrate proven best practices for using social media in the enterprise. We can help you set goals for your social media implementation that support your overall strategy, and we can help with training to develop a robust social media practice throughout your organization.

Contact us now for more information.

How to Manufacture Desire Sun, 16 Nov 2014 21:07:35 +0000

This essay is part of a series written by speakers featuring at our upcoming TNW USA Conference on December 10 in New York. It is adapted from Nir’s book, Hooked: How to… Keep reading → Source: Learn how to create “addicts” for your brand or product.   Via @stratrev See on – Enterprise Social Media]]>

This essay is part of a series written by speakers featuring at our upcoming TNW USA Conference on December 10 in New York. It is adapted from Nir’s book, Hooked: How to… Keep reading →


Learn how to create “addicts” for your brand or product.


Via @stratrev

See on Scoop.itEnterprise Social Media

How to optimize feedburner feeds | 87android Sat, 26 Jul 2014 00:17:31 +0000

Google feedburner service is a very popular service among bloggers,podcasters and publishers from various domain. It provides latest feeds to subscribers from


Everything you need to know about Google Feedburner . . .

See on Scoop.itEnterprise Social Media

How to Make Exceptional Videos Without Smarts | Social Magnets Sat, 26 Jul 2014 00:16:04 +0000

Learn how to make professional videos without smarts and money. Explainer videos, kinetic text videos, and more. Social Magnets


A good how-to guide for the video beginner.

See on Scoop.itEnterprise Social Media

Social Media Tactics of Marketers Across the Web – Social Magnets Sat, 26 Jul 2014 00:14:06 +0000

Learn the Social Media Tactics of Online Marketers and where you fit into the picture. Time to work smart and learn from those around you. Social Magnets


Some interesting stats from research by Adobe.

See on Scoop.itEnterprise Social Media

Whether Inside or Out, the 4 New Realities of Closing Sales Mon, 21 Jul 2014 12:43:31 +0000

Advice on developing a culture and strategy that breeds revenue from the chief revenue officer of Hubspot, which pulled in $77 million last year.


Great advice on social selling:


1. Invest your time in social influence, not cold calling. 

2. Always be helping, not closing. 


3. Crave and experiment with technology. 

4. Become a data nerd. 


Via @bdstolle 


Advice on developing a culture and strategy that breeds revenue from the chief revenue officer of Hubspot, which pulled in $77 million last year.


Great advice on social selling:


1. Invest your time in social influence, not cold calling. 

2. Always be helping, not closing. 


3. Crave and experiment with technology. 

4. Become a data nerd. 


Via @bdstolle 

30 Things You Shouldn’t Do on Social Media | SEJ Fri, 18 Jul 2014 20:58:07 +0000

Since none of us here at SEJ want you to experience that migraine-inducing nightmare, here are 30 things you should avoid doing on social media.


This is a really long list of don't for social media. Well worth pondering:



1. Only Focusing on Facebook

2. Jumping on Multiple Social Media Networks at Once

3. Making it Only About Yourself

4. Not Thinking Twice Before Posting

5. Posting in a Hurry

6. Not Spell Checking

7. Responding Unprofessionally

8. Being Impersonal

9. Hiding From Negative Comments/Controversy

10. Not Listening

11. Not Optimizing Social Media Profiles

12. Forgetting Social Media Buttons on Website

13. Being Too Casual

14. Only Sharing Content From Your Website

15. Being Inexperienced

16. Increasing Amount of Followers Too Fast

17. Leaving Comments Unattended

18. Hiring a Social Media Manager Just Because They’re “Tech Savvy”

19. Relying on Just One Person

20. Not Knowing The Difference Between a Personal and Business Account

21. Bad Timing For Scheduled Posts

22. Not Creating Incentives

23. Underestimating Data

24. Not Promoting Your Profiles Through Advertising

25. Not Having a Check-and-Balance System in Place

26. Being a Debbie Downer or Negative Nancy

27. Being Inconsistent

28. Failing to Create ‘Authenticity’

29. Posting Without Images/Videos

30. Improper Use of Hashtags


Via @MarketingCath 


Since none of us here at SEJ want you to experience that migraine-inducing nightmare, here are 30 things you should avoid doing on social media.


This is a really long list of don’t for social media. Well worth pondering:



1. Only Focusing on Facebook

2. Jumping on Multiple Social Media Networks at Once

3. Making it Only About Yourself

4. Not Thinking Twice Before Posting

5. Posting in a Hurry

6. Not Spell Checking

7. Responding Unprofessionally

8. Being Impersonal

9. Hiding From Negative Comments/Controversy

10. Not Listening

11. Not Optimizing Social Media Profiles

12. Forgetting Social Media Buttons on Website

13. Being Too Casual

14. Only Sharing Content From Your Website

15. Being Inexperienced

16. Increasing Amount of Followers Too Fast

17. Leaving Comments Unattended

18. Hiring a Social Media Manager Just Because They’re “Tech Savvy”

19. Relying on Just One Person

20. Not Knowing The Difference Between a Personal and Business Account

21. Bad Timing For Scheduled Posts

22. Not Creating Incentives

23. Underestimating Data

24. Not Promoting Your Profiles Through Advertising

25. Not Having a Check-and-Balance System in Place

26. Being a Debbie Downer or Negative Nancy

27. Being Inconsistent

28. Failing to Create ‘Authenticity’

29. Posting Without Images/Videos

30. Improper Use of Hashtags


Via @MarketingCath 

5 Strategies for Driving Sales With Thought Leadership Fri, 18 Jul 2014 20:53:33 +0000

Thought leadership is hard to define but customers recognize it when they see it.


Content can produce sales. If your sales force isn't using content to become thought leaders, read this article for reasons why you should be.


Via @omaranzur 


Thought leadership is hard to define but customers recognize it when they see it.


Content can produce sales. If your sales force isn’t using content to become thought leaders, read this article for reasons why you should be.


Via @omaranzur 

How to Enhance Audience Engagement on Social Media Thu, 03 Jul 2014 15:08:08 +0000

Audience engagement is tricky. Here are a few guidelines to successfully integrate your message across platforms and engage you audience along the way.


My buddy Todd Wilms has some good advice on increasing engagement. The main points:


Develop a strategy

Demonstrate empathy for your audience and their needs

Delight and Let Go



via @toddmwilms 



Audience engagement is tricky. Here are a few guidelines to successfully integrate your message across platforms and engage you audience along the way.


My buddy Todd Wilms has some good advice on increasing engagement. The main points:


Develop a strategy

Demonstrate empathy for your audience and their needs

Delight and Let Go



via @toddmwilms 

