Make Yours a Social Business

Real businesses like yours are leveraging Social Media today to achieve real results.

When transforming your business into a social business, your first question should be: “How can social media help me execute my organization’s strategy?”

ME MentionmappIt’s amazing how many businesses don’t ask this simple question. The way social media often comes into a business is via the back door — by employees who post or blog about your company. The next most popular way is through your marketing or communications departments. These social-media-savvy professionals may commission the creation of a Facebook page or a Twitter campaign to achieve brand promotion or drive sales to your online commerce site.

And you may think that’s all that social media is good for: promotion, advertising, marketing.

But social media can offer so much more to your business. In fact, there are few areas of your enterprise that can’t be improved in some way by social media.

To really leverage the groundbreaking potential of social media, and achieve real, effective, sustainable Social Media success, you need to develop a enterprise-wide strategy.

We can help you do that.

We don’t want to sell you the tools — the Twitter campaigns, the Facebook fan pages; the LinkedIn presence; the YouTube channel filled with scarcely viewed but expensive videos. At SMPG, our motto is, “No tools before rules!”

We go beyond those obvious quick hits — sales and marketing — and help you achieve social-media-driven results in areas such as product development; social selling; customer service; employee engagement and retention; and health and wellness.

We have hundreds of case studies on companies like yours in our Enterprise Social Media Framework that demonstrate proven best practices for using social media in the enterprise. We can help you set goals for your social media implementation that support your overall strategy, and we can help with training to develop a robust social media practice throughout your organization.

Contact us now for more information.