What Story Does Your Brand Tell?
See on Scoop.it – Social Selling for B2B
In today’s competitive marketplace, a compelling story is critical for your brand to remain front and center with customers and prospective customers. If your business does not create a compelling story that connects with prospective and existing customers or strikes a nerve, your business will not last very long.
If the aim of social media is to Be a Person (http://bit.ly/OrderBeAPerson) then of course you’ll want to tell stories about your brand. A story, of course, is not a slogan, or is it a message. It’s what humans do when they talk to one another. Try to go through a day without hearing or telling a story. it’s almost impossibe.
So why are you using social media as another channel for messages?
Check out Karen Dietz’ Scoop.it topic for more info: http://www.scoop.it/t/just-story-it
See on debbielaskey.blogspot.com